Our solution for CPR Asset Management

CPR Asset Management is a leading asset management company offering innovative and responsible investment solutions to meet the needs of its clients (corporates, private banking, institutional clients, fund management and wealth management).


On its trendsformative.com website, CPR presents itself as an analyst and expert on the macro-trends that will shape the world of tomorrow. The site aims to shed light on trends in four main areas: demographic and social changes, economic mutations, technological revolutions and environmental challenges.

CPR had two objectives:

  • To promote their company’s expertise by publishing articles on megatrends affecting the world
  • To showcase their top management through editorials by senior executives.

Each month, CPR informed us of the international issues they wanted to communicate on. We took the lead in suggesting original angles and contributors, selected for their expertise, reputation and diversity (NGO leaders, CNRS research directors, experts in demography and economic and social sciences, etc.).

Through these articles, we tackled cutting-edge issues such as access to sanitation around the world, access to education, the distribution of wealth and the city of the future in the light of population growth.


To meet these challenges, here is a selection of examples of the content our teams have produced.

Feature article

Motion Design

This video is the result of our combined efforts in motion design, video overlay and voice-over.

Our latest work includes a special report on the fight against inequality from four different angles. Additionally, we have an in-depth article on the launch of a new fund by CPR, accompanied by a video presentation.


in-depth articles
experts interviewed
subjects covered


Last updated on 6 July 2023 per Team Edito

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